Why does everyone keep talking about pillars?

Hey friend!

As we gear up for the New Year (and the onslaught of diet gimmicks!) let's talk about the Pillars of Health. What are they? Why do they matter? I know you don't have a ton of time, so I'll just give you a high level overview of each of the four (Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep & Stress), broken up into three emails. Let's start with the most fun (IMO) pillar: EXERCISE!

The general guideline is to exercise (getting your heart rate up and moving your body) at least 150 minutes per week. That's like 30 minutes of movement five days a week - you can do that!

The most common question I get is "What's better, cardio or strength training?" My answer: Both! Both forms of exercise have benefits and they are both necessary for best results (not to mention the mental benefits of exercise!).

Strength training changes the shape of your body, increases power and improves your ability to complete basic activities of daily living. Once upon a time, running was my thing, but these days I love weight training (and the changes it's brought to my body) oh so much more! The more muscle you have, the more energy (measured in calories) your body uses. We'll talk more about that in the future though.

Cardio/Aerobic activity helps improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance. It's important to have a strong heart and lungs. I like to use the rower, elliptical or go for a walk in our back field. Cardio exercise can come in a variety of forms and can be so much fun! Pro Tip: if you are doing both forms of exercise in a workout, do your strength training first so you have full energy for your lifting. Even better, incorporate cardio into your strength training (moving quickly between sets) so you get them done simultaneously.

When starting an exercise regimen, experiment and find something you enjoy. Ultimately that's the only way you'll stick to it. Try out different group fitness classes, revisit something you enjoyed as a child (bike riding, dance, etc.) and/or hire a trainer.

I could talk about exercise for hours, but my biggest piece of advice is this...don't limit your exercise to only cardio and don't be afraid to lift "heavy" (according to your fitness level). Lifting weights does not make you bulky. It will however help you lift, tone and re-shape your body (yes please!).

Take a look at your calendar and carve out those 150 minutes per week right now. Mark them as non-negotiable time. No matter how busy your schedule is, I promise you can find them.

Your Friend,

P.S. - Here's something else that is fun! 🎉 Every person who places a product order through www.TJandCasey.com from now until 12/31/20 will be entered to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card! The drawing will be held 1/1/21.

P.P.S. - If you refer a friend who places a product order through www.TJandCasey.com you will be entered to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card (also drawn on 1/1/21)!!! Be sure to email me who you referred to be entered to win when they order. 😘


Pillars 2 & 3


Oops. Let me introduce myself.