Oops. Let me introduce myself.

Hey again!

So, yesterday I told you a little bit about my purpose, but I didn't even properly introduce myself to those of you who don't know me. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Let's start over.

Hi, I'm Casey. I, probably like you, wear many hats. I am a follower of Jesus, wife (of 21 years) to TJ, mom of four kids (ages 13 and under), the Development Director at my kids' classical Christian school (I think fundraisers are fun!), and I live in the best not-so-small-anymore town. My husband and I grew up here and try to invest our time serving our community as much as possible. Most days you can find me zipping through town in my suburban (a.k.a. the modern day covered wagon) with all four of my kids in tow.

I started working in the women's fitness industry in 2005 (in case you're trying to figure it out, I'm 42). I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Weight Management Specialist, ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist and in general just love helping women reach their full potential. I am a firm believer that it's impossible to achieve balance, but what we prioritize matters. We'll talk more about that in the future.

A few random facts about me:

1. I had never traveled outside the US until we adopted our son Oli (the cutie on the left with the extra chromosome) ten years ago.
2. I love Christmas lights - the more colorful the better!
3. I eat yellow mustard on corn on the cob.

Yeah, you read that last one right. We all have a weird food combination that we enjoy - hit reply and tell me yours!

Let me finish up for now by telling you how excited (and honestly a bit nervous) I am about this new project. I want to provide you with the best encouragement, guidance and support that I can. We'll both learn as we grow. Thanks for coming along with me!

Your Friend,

P.S. - I share fitness ideas, food tips and more daily on IG and FB. Click the buttons below to connect with me there!


Why does everyone keep talking about pillars?


Let’s Be Real. Be Reasonable. Be the Example.