Let’s Be Real. Be Reasonable. Be the Example.

Hey friend!

I hope you are well and making the best of this season! 2020 has been a year like no other, to say the least. While I love Christmas, I am already looking ahead to 2021.

This past year has brought many challenges, but it’s also given me perspective and insight. Have you experienced the same? Maybe you’ve discovered a new hobby, or a talent you didn’t know you had, or maybe something you’d like to change. It’s shown me a new purpose and message to share.

A few years ago, I completed a strenuous workout and restricted eating program. Meal planning, carb cycling, two hour daily workouts… the whole bit. Honestly, I got in great shape and learned a ton (that's actually what led me to get certified as a personal trainer).

HOWEVER...One night toward the end of the program, my husband pulled out some brownie mix to make after dinner. I literally pleaded with him, in front of all four of our kids, not to make them because I "couldn't have them." Looking back, I can't tell you how much I regret that moment. Not because I missed out on some amazing brownies (he makes the best!) but because I lived out an example that I don't want my kids to follow. The plan eventually ended and the weight slipped back on. (We all know deep down that diets don’t work long term.)

Fast forward to two years ago. My husband and I were planning a 20th wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii. My dream trip! I knew I wanted to get in better shape before we travelled, but I also knew I wanted to do it in a way that I could set a good example for my kids. So, I started implementing a simple system that allows for more freedom. I started macro mapping, working out in a way that I enjoy (45 mins a day 5 days a week) and stayed on my favorite supplements. It worked. It’s still working (I wear the same size today that I did at the end of that strict program I did!). I’ll share more on that in the days ahead.

I don’t eliminate food groups, I don’t work out two hours a day, I don’t count calories, I’m not trapped in a meal plan and I'm not focused on a finish line. I'm living life with a method that allows...life.

What 2020 has taught me is that women need to know that you can look good and feel good about yourself without saying “I can’t have that” or only allowing yourself to enjoy certain foods on certain days. Six pack abs are not the “be all end all” in life and the restrictive plans that they come with often lead to misery and missing out.

While I may be a small voice in a loud crowd of health and wellness “how-tos”, I’m excited to share with you what I’ve learned. If you are done with dieting but are ready for results, stick around (even better, invite a friend!). You might even be surprised by what I send you.

Your Friend,


Oops. Let me introduce myself.