Pillars 2 & 3

Hey friend!

Today let's talk about the next two Pillars of Health: Sleep & Stress. I am sharing these together because we intuitively know they go hand in hand.

First up: Sleep. We make our toddlers nap, we set early bedtimes for our growing kids, so when did we think we stopped needing a good night's sleep as adults? Sleep allows our bodies to repair and recuperate from the days activities while resetting for the next day. Sacrificing sleep can increase our risk of obesity, impact our metabolism and even have an affect on our hunger hormones (which can increase cravings). In general, we need to prioritize getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Not only that, but the time we fall asleep matters. Our bodies naturally reset around midnight. For example, have you ever stayed up until say 2AM and then slept until 10AM? You got 8 hours of sleep, but how did you feel? No great, right? For optimal benefit, you need to hit that deep (REM) sleep before midnight. That might mean going to bed earlier, cutting out a TV show (which is adding no value to your life anyway) or setting some bedtime boundaries with your kids. To help you unwind, turn off the electronics, darken the room, maybe try out one of those free sound apps or even a weighted blanket. My must haves are a good book to read (this is the only way I can shut down my thoughts), a pitch black bedroom and a box fan. 😊 If you need a little extra help until your body adjusts to this bedtime change, try this. Lack of sleep also contributes to our next pillar...

Stress. We all deal with varying levels of stress, but uncontrolled stress can wreak havoc on your goals. When cortisol (stress hormone) levels stay high over time, it can reduce our body's ability to build muscle and can even promote weight gain in our midsection. So, what's stressing you out? What can you take off your plate of life? Sometimes we have "good" things we've said yes to, but committing ourselves to one more thing is just raising that cortisol level. My word for 2021 is "Streamline" (do you chose a word/theme each year?). I'm focusing on what I can consolidate or even cut out to make my time more enjoyable and efficient. I encourage you to think on this yourself. Sometimes however, we can't cut out the stress because it's unavoidable for the season of life we're in. Here is one helper and here is another if you find yourself in that situation. One of the most stressful times of my life was when we lived in Ukraine for 6 weeks to adopt our son Oli (I'd love to share his story with you one day!). Now almost 10 years later, I can't open an Oasis packet without flashing back to the 600 sq ft apartment we stayed in there. That stress couldn't be avoided, so I drank it daily to help combat the effects of the situation.

Finally, the most powerful tool for combating stress is reading God's word and spending time with Him in prayer. It feels good to cast your cares on the only one who is truly in control and to be able to rest in His good plans for our lives. Have a look at Matthew 6:25-34 and be encouraged. 💛

The next message won't be quite so long, promise.

Your Friend,

P.S. - Every person who places a product order through www.TJandCasey.com from now until 12/31/20 will be entered to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card! The drawing will be held 1/1/21.

P.P.S. - If you refer a friend who places a product order through www.TJandCasey.com you will be entered to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card (also drawn on 1/1/21)!!! Be sure to email me who you referred to be entered to win when they order.


The Last Pillar


Why does everyone keep talking about pillars?