Turkey Day Tips

Hey Friend! Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Or maybe if you are like our family, Thanksgivings would be more accurate - we have three meals on three separate days!

I’m not a bit worried about it though, because I know how to navigate the holidays in a way that allows for some “extra” but without going completely off the rails. I want to help you do the same, so here are some guidelines I live by. Before those, I have to share my two best weapons CarbEase and Fibotrim (you’ve likely seen me share these multiple times but they are worth a re-share)! I take both of these before a big meal. Now here are my best Turkey Day (or any other special day) Tips:

  • Drink Water. Calories from beverages add up fast. If you have a beverage you really enjoy, enjoy just one and drink water the rest of the time.

  • Load your plate with at least one protein choice first. This will help you to feel full faster. One choice is approximately the size of your palm.

  • Skip the foods that you don’t love but really just eat to eat. No need to waste macro choices on foods you don’t truly enjoy.

  • Take a walk, or two. Take a walk before you eat (or the morning of) and then enjoy an after dinner stroll, if you have time.

  • Use your palm as a size guide when filling your plate. Just like protein, one carb choice is approximately the size of your palm. Keep your portion sizes in check accordingly.

  • Cut your piece of pie, or cake, in half. You may find that smaller piece is enough to satisfy you. If it’s not, drink glass of water and wait a bit before attempting to finish the other half.

Above all, approach your meal with the goal of moderation, not restriction. The moment we have a “I can’t have that” mindset is the moment it becomes more powerful in our mind. Not to mention you will feel so much better than feeling over stuffed from over indulging! All foods fit, you just have to know how to make them fit.

Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving(s) and take a few moments to count your blessings! I’m thankful for YOU!

Your Friend,


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