My Top Picks for You

Hey Friend! I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! The flu struck our house, so ours hasn’t gone quite as planned, but as I type, TJ is in the kitchen cooking up a storm so we plan to make up for some of what we lost today.

While he does that, I am going to stock us up on some of our favorite AdvoCare products because they are having a MASSIVE Black Friday SALE! 🎉 The more you get, the more you save, so I am going to make sure I get all our standard products.

Here are my top picks for me and TJ:

Spark (We start every day with Mandarin Orange, but all the flavors are great!)

Fiber (EVERY DAY! Start with the unflavored.)

MNS (Our daily vitamins!)

And here are my top picks for the family:

Elderberry GoMes (So tasty and help with a healthy immune system!)

Multivitamin GoMes (These are my kids’ daily multivitamin!)

Rehydrate (No “-ade” drinks for our family, we only hydrate with the best!)

Wishing you a happy and HEALTHY holiday season!

Your Friend,


Fluffy and at the Beach


Turkey Day Tips