This is one of my favorite workouts…

Hey Friend! What a week! On Thursday I turned 44 and this morning I am sitting in a beautiful cabin high in the Smoky Mountains, with a handful of some of my most cherished friends. One thing I firmly believe is that you can’t have too many friends (and also always say YES to a girls trip!). The Lord created us for community and to be community to one another. While we can’t be all things to all people (not every friend is going to be someone you can consistently spend time with), we can do our best to love those around us well and to always be willing to help when a friend is in need.

We’ve been planning this trip for months, but it just so happens to fall the weekend after my birthday. So today my plan is to shop, laugh, learn, listen, rest, and soak up this time with some pretty incredible women the Lord has blessed my with. What a perfect way to celebrate another year of life!

But before I dive in to all of that, I have a gift for YOU! A sweaty circuit may not sound like a lovely gift, but this is my go-to when I need a simple yet effective workout FAST. Moving through these moves as a circuit also helps the time fly by!

Don’t have a rower? Walk up and down your steps, or do a mix of cardio moves like jumping jacks, squats, burpees, or jump on another piece of cardio equipment!

No kettlebell? Use a dumbbell!

No jump rope? Use an imaginary one!

Be sure to save the image on your phone for yourself and share it with a friend!

Give it your all for 20 - 30 minutes and get in as many rounds as possible (that’s what AMRAP stands for, just in case you didn’t know 😉)

You can modify this a bunch of different ways, make it fun for you!

Your Friend (always!),

P.S. - One of my favorite products is currently ON SALE!!!! Vanilla RTD Protein is always in my lunch bag. I use it for a quick snack (it’s one full protein choice!) or as a sweet sub for dessert. I also make chai tea with it, overnight oats with fruit, as “milk” in cereal…so many options!!! You should stock up (use the 10% off link below to save even more)!


My Top10 Time Saving Tips


Being “Healthy”