Being “Healthy”

Hey Friend! Hope you’ve had a great week! Mine was filled with all the consistent choices I shared with you last week and I can feel the difference! 👏🏻

Today, let’s chat about being healthy. I had originally planned to talk about setting up your at-home gym (maybe next week?) but our family’s conversation over dinner last night changed my mind. My 7 year old daughter mentioned something being “healthy” and I asked the question, “What does healthy mean?”. I’ll spare you the play by play of our whole conversation, but the gist is this: most people are confused and can’t answer with certainty. Is healthy just being free of disease? Is healthy only eating certain foods? Is it healthy to eat chips & queso (or pizza, or cake, etc.)? The diet world has manipulated minds to the point that most women think the only way they can get it “right” is to follow a food plan and/or advice of so called “health coaches” who teach how to lower caloric intake through manipulative methods like intermittent fasting and carb cycling.

Let me simplify things for you friend. Being healthy is doing the things you already know to do and doing those things consistently. Take a breath. Don’t think that you have to follow a certain meal plan or can’t have certain foods. Be Real. Balancing your macros (macronutrients are simply the carbohydrates, fats and proteins we consume through the foods we eat) is not as complicated as “they” make it sound.

Being healthy is also more than the foods you eat. It’s movement, what you put into your mind and more. While this isn’t an all inclusive visual, here is how I seek being healthy, by being real.

Just like an item of clothing doesn’t fit every body the same, neither do meal and exercise plans. You need to make the “healthy” choices that are right for you.

I want my children to see me taking my vitamins, but also enjoying treats. I want them to see my reading the nutrition label to map my macros and manage my portion size, but I also want them to see me eating the sliders and sweets at the Super Bowl party with our friends (as they did last week). I want them to see me getting up early to workout not because I am making up for what I ate the day before, but because I like challenging myself and being strong. I want them to see me reading my bible and praying with them, just like we sing along to the radio and watch movies together. I want them to see me making my own food choices, not blindly following what someone else tells me to eat (been there, done that and now know better). As always, I want them to see me being real, being reasonable and being the example. And Of course, I want them to see me eating the brownie. 😉

Your Friend,

P.S. - Not a fan of swallowing vitamins? Try these!


This is one of my favorite workouts…


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