Back from Vacay & Back on Track

Hey Friend! Last week we spent a fun-filled, and eventful, week at Disney World. We walked 9 miles a day and enjoyed lots of treats (a lesson in how you cannot out-exercise a poor diet!). We rode rides and then took a ride we didn’t expect on the way home - a ride on the back of a tow truck! Long story short, the transmission when out on my suburban and we were stuck outside ATL for 4 hours. You can see the full story on my Insta reels and Facebook post (@caseyoverstreet). Needless to say, that’s why I didn’t email you last week.

This week brought me a broken toe, 8 loads of laundry and a bunch of work to catch up on. It’s so true that there is no tired like Disney tired and that sometimes you need a vacation from your vacation!

But, now that all of that is behind me, I’m ready to set myself up for success for the week ahead. Yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity to teach a 1 on 1 Macro Mapping workshop with a young woman and it reminded me of a couple of things:

  1. I really enjoy teaching women that long term weight loss is not as complicated as the world makes it appear (as they trick you into one diet to another - that they label as “healthy eating” plans😡).

  2. I need to refocus on and complete the simple daily tasks that have helped me achieve long term sustainable results.

So, I made myself this simple daily checklist to print and keep with me as a reminder that consistent daily choices lead to success. I hope you will print one for yourself to keep you focused and free from the temptations of the tricks and gimmicks the diet world is selling.

Save then print: Keep It Simple Sister!

I’m cheering you on and always here for questions - just hit reply to ask!

Your Friend,


Being “Healthy”


You need to make this: Protein Chai Latte