You need to make this: Protein Chai Latte

Hey Friend! There is snow flying through the air outside my window. This magical weather is perfect for enjoy a warm drink…but one that keeps your Macro Map on track. Lucky for you, I know just the thing!

Remember when I told you about our “Yes” family grocery shopping tradition? Well, during this year’s buying spree I found a pre-mixed chai latte. I love spiced chai. To be honest, this mix on it’s own it doesn’t taste that great, but I found a fix that helps me reach my daily protein goal! Stir together 3/4c of the chai tea mix, a carton of Vanilla RTD (which is one whole protein choice - big win!), a dash of cinnamon (or pumpkin pie spice, which is a staple in my spice drawer). Warm it in the microwave and sweeten to taste with your favorite 0 calorie sweetener. Easy peasy! I use it as one of my two 200 calorie snacks so it’s a treat and a perfect fit for my Macro Map (unlike the chai latte from your local coffee shop which is likely around 2-3 carb choices and has very little protein).

Shout out my friends at Rising Above Ministries for the awesome mug! It’s just the right size for this!

Hope you enjoy this as much as I do!

Your Friend,


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