My Top10 Time Saving Tips

Hey Friend! It seems like every week that I write to you I am in the midst of navigating a busy life. Well, it seems that way because it’s true!!! I could give you a laundry list of all I do in a typical day, but that’s pointless because I am sure you could turn right back around and give me yours. So, I wanted to share with you some ways I save time to accomplish more. I hope you will hit “reply” and send me one of yours! In no particular order, here are my Top 10 Time Savings tips (for a real person with a real life!):

  1. Prep the kids clothes for the week every Saturday. Here is a quick visual of what that looks like in our house. Every Saturday I put together the outfits for all 4 of my kids for the week (I iron them but that’s optional 😉) and place them in their rooms in a stack. No school morning chaos over clothes! Some weeks I even do this for myself - that’s a major bonus.

  2. Always have ingredients on hand for a quick weeknight dinner. For us that means I always have eggs, bacon or sausage and pancake mix or frozen biscuits in the fridge/freezer. Breakfast is always a hit and super quick to fix!

  3. Get up early. It’s amazing what you can do with an extra 45 minutes in the morning.

  4. Go to bed early. It’s pretty hard to get up early if you don’t go to bed early. Before you just overlook this advice, I’m just saying decide what early is for you and stick to it. I know schedules vary.

  5. Workout at home. I can get most of a workout in at home in the same amount of time it takes to drive to and from the gym - huge time savings. Plus it doesn’t matter what I look like or what I’m wearing! 😂 (I know I still need to share my home gym setup tips.) I do still like to workout at the gym because of the increased options, but it’s not necessary to go there every day.

  6. Shower speaker. TJ got me this one for my birthday last year and it was a game changer. I can listen to my Bible Recap, books, or podcasts while I’m getting ready in the morning. #winning

  7. Turn off the TV. It’s amazing how much time we waste staring at a screen. Reclaim hours of your life this way.

  8. Pack your lunch. I usually eat leftovers from dinner the night before, but when I don’t have that I make an adult lunchable/on the go charcuterie. It’s usually triscuits, string cheese stick, turkey slices, an apple, and sometimes some almonds. Super quick, super easy and saves money.

  9. Use your crockpot. Quick dinner prep in the AM and no cooking after work - I love it so much.

  10. Do household chores as you go. Every morning, I pop in a load of laundry, unload-load the dishwasher before leaving for work, etc.. Doing a little here and there saves me from half days filled with cleaning. Don’t forget to give those kiddos daily chores too. My kids do “Kitchen Chores” every night after dinner.

    I hope this helps! Remember, we all have enough time in the day to do the things we make a priority. Also, drink Spark. 😂

Your Friend,


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