Reader Question: What to do about craving sweets?

Hey Friend! Happy Friday! It’s bright, sunny, and 67 degrees here currently…but the roads are being salted because it’s supposed to snow 3 to 6 inches tonight! You just have to love TN weather! 😂

Yesterday I received a great question from a friend and I thought the answer might interest you as well. The question was basically about how to handle sugar cravings. First off, don’t buy into the “sugar detox” programs. I love to do the AdvoCare Herbal Cleanse every 90 days for a mindset reset and help for my gut, but not to “detox” from sugar.

First thing to note is that often times our cravings for sugar is our body’s cry for energy. Our bodies know that sugar in it’s simplest form will provide the quickest boost of energy so it’s saying “give me a boost!”. Chocolate is a double punch because not only does it provide sugar, but it also provides a small amount of caffeine (and we all know what that means). So first, address your energy issue. Are you sleeping enough? Are you running non-stop and need more down time? Have you skipped a meal or your snacks? Your body needs consistent energy (a.k.a. calories, units of energy) throughout the day. It’s the fuel in your tank! Try to be proactive in avoiding those energy slumps and thereby curbing some of these cravings. For additional help with this, I drink a Spark right after lunch every day to get ahead of the afternoon energy crash.

When you do have a craving for something, stop before diving in. Drink a glass of water to slow down your urge to just grab something. Think about the impact of your choice. Is that cupcake, sugary soda, cookie, etc. worth it? Most times it’s a no, but sometimes its a yes. If you don’t act impulsively, you will avoid the regret of “I shouldn’t have eaten that.”

When I have done all of the above and still want something, I make a choice of how I’m going to meet this “want”. Here are some of my go-to’s

  • I drink a sugar free drink. Choose what suits you and your nutrition preferences here. Other than Spark, I might choose a cup of tea (sweetened with Splenda), a Fresca, or a Sprite Zero. Again, you create your own list of options.

  • If I really want chocolate, I choose dark choclate and choose my serving based off the nutrition label. For example, I know I can have three Dove squares and that equates to one carb choice for my macro map. I don’t feel restricted and I know I can easily make that fit.

  • If I realize I want something sweet because I missed my snack or because I’m just hungry, I reach for dry roasted peanuts. I measure out my serving using the plastic lid to keep my portion on point - calories from nuts add up fast! They are filling but also offer a bit of sweetness (more so than almonds or cashews, IMO)

  • Other than Spark, I have some go-to AdvoCare products on hand that help as well. Y’all know I love the Ready to Drink protein. The vanilla tastes like a milkshake and provides much needed protein. If I want a sweet because of stress (we all know eating doesn’t solve stress!) I reach for an Oasis and drink it either hot or cold. Not only is it sweet, but it helps counteract the negative affects of stress on my body. Another option for me is a small spoonful of peanut butter mixed with Body Lean protein. This is a yummy sweet treat that is a great snack idea too!

So there you have it. I hope this helps and I hope you will always send me questions that are on your mind!

Your Friend,


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