A Few Favorite Finds

Hey Friend! Spring Break is coming to a close for us. Since we just got back from Disney World last month, this week has been one of simple fun and more than average down time. My oldest is living his best life as a CIT (Jr. Counselor) at Cedar Lake Camp (we pick him up tonight and I can’t wait!) and I’ve been home with our younger three. They’ve made crafts, played at the HOTC playground, taken a trip to the ‘Boro to check out the Discovery Center, spent a night in our “new” camper, watched movies, etc.

In the midst of all this, I’ve enjoyed some new and not-so-new favorite things. Of course, when a friend finds something good they share it, so here you go! Let me know if you try any of these!

First up - some new lower body moves with an O resistance band I found on IG. These left me sore for a couple of days - I love that feeling!

Second - I finally made a loaf of sourdough bread that gave me hope I can make decent bread!! Here is the recipe I followed.

Third - Whipped Body Butter from Buff City Soap. The texture is so different and it’s not greasy at all. Coconut is my favorite scent so far.

Last - this one isn’t super new to me, but I just keep enjoying it more and more every time I get it from our local coffee place. Y’all know I don’t drink coffee so I needed something to order when I need to meet people there…or have a treat to enjoy when a coworker makes a run there. 😉 Here it is: African Nectar tea, hot, almond milk as creamer, and splenda to sweeten. It legit tastes like a blueberry muffin but has no impact on my macro map - big win! I found some on Amazon that I might try to make at home…

So tell me, what are YOU loving right now!?!? I’m always on the lookout for good ideas and products!

Your Friend,


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Reader Question: What to do about craving sweets?