The NEAT Way to Lose Weight

Hey Friend!

If you follow me on social media you know that I am in the process of adding CNC (Certified Nutrition Coach) to the list of fitness and nutrition certification titles that I already hold. I LOVE to learn. Do you? I especially enjoy gaining a deeper understanding of a concept that I’m already familiar with.

The chapter I’m working on this week is about the Components of Energy and the concept of energy in verses energy out (leading to weight loss or weight gain). The fourth component of energy is one that I felt like I needed to share with you: Non-Exercising Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT).

This is energy expended from everything we do when we are not sleeping or exercising. This could be as obvious as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or even something as small as tapping your foot when you’re sitting down. It’s actually proven that people who fidget burn more calories (maybe I should stop telling my kids to sit still 🤔…or maybe not 😜)!

Intentionally implementing this one concept into your everyday life could make a big difference in obtaining results. You add a bit of extra activity to burn extra calories throughout your day. These extra calories add to your total daily energy expenditure. Then instead of those calories you took in from food becoming stored as fat, you burned those calories, without even stepping into a gym. That is the power of NEAT! You don’t have to add hours in the gym to your schedule to burn more calories. You just have to be mindful as you go throughout your day. Here are some ideas to help:

  1. Stand up! Many times you will see me standing at the counter while I am doing computer work. This is also a great time to work on your posture: head up, shoulders back, abs tight!

  2. Walk & Talk. Walk outside or around your home/office any time you are on the phone.

  3. Set a reminder. Set an hourly reminder on your phone calendar to get up and move for at least two minutes.

  4. Take time to stretch when you wake up and just before going to bed. If you read last week’s email you know why this matters.

  5. Park at the back of the parking lot. You know to do this. Now you know why you should. 😉

  6. Multitask during TV time. A better use of your time would be to cut out TV time, but if you are going to watch, do some household chores at the same time (I iron and/or fold laundry). Instead of being frustrated about these tasks, think of how they are helping you!

  7. Take the stairs. This will not only burn more energy, but it will also help you shape a better booty. 🍑😬

  8. Move your legs while sitting - nothing distracting to others though! A silent swish of your ankle is sufficient.

  9. Do some calf raises or torso twists while waiting in line at the store or while at the copier at work.

  10. Clean your house (or maybe just one room). Physical and mental benefits come with this!

Put me to the test on this. Implement these ideas, as well as some of your own, for the next 30 days and I guarantee you’ll enjoy some NEAT results.

Your Friend,


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