July Challenge: Summer Bucket List

Hey Friend!

Normally at the first of the month I would be sending you a 30 Day Fitness Challenge, but today I’m just sending you a quick note to remind you to take a breath and HAVE SOME FUN!

My daughter Catey (age 6) just asked me this morning if we could make our summer bucket list (She had no idea I was sending this to you today, isn’t that neat?! A sure sign we all need to do this! 😃). This is a list that the kids and I have been creating the past few years but this “rebounding from quarantine” summer has kept us so busy we haven’t done one yet! So, with the few weeks we have until school resumes, it’s time to make some memories and have some SIMPLE fun! I can’t wait to show Catey and the boys what I’ve been planning!

Here’s a list that I started for my family and yours. Feel free to print it and add some items/make it your own! I would LOVE for you to share a picture with me on social media (@caseyoverstreet) of something you did! Enjoy!

Print this or save it on your phone…either way, make it your own!

Print this or save it on your phone…either way, make it your own!

Your Friend,

New flavor alert! You won’t see our family using any other electrolyte replacement drink!

New flavor alert! You won’t see our family using any other electrolyte replacement drink!


A workout you can do anywhere!


The NEAT Way to Lose Weight