Stretch it Out

Hey Friend!

How is your summer going?! We have projects going on left and right around here so I feel like the days are flying by! I’ve actually been feeling a bit more stressed than usual, so one morning this week I decided to spend the last 10 minutes of my workout stretching - wow, what a help!

So of course that made me think of you. Do you know why it’s so important to stretch? I confess, I have a tendency to rush out after a workout and skip stretching - don’t be like me!

Here are 10 reasons why we should be stretching every day:

1.Increases your flexibility and that feels good!

2. Increases your range of motion. This helps with activities in daily life!

3. Improves your performance in all physical activities.

4. Increases the blood flow to your muscles/improves circulation.

5. Improves your posture (which makes us look thinner!).

6. Helps to relieve and prevent back pain.

7. Helps with stress relief.

8. Can calm your mind: exhale & relax!

9. Helps relieve tension headaches.

10. Helps you become STRONGER!

The question then becomes “What is the best way to stretch?” I’m not sure if there is a “best” way, but I have a couple of guidelines that I personally follow:

  • Don’t stretch “cold” muscles. Move a little (or a lot) first. Get blood flowing to the muscle and warm up a little.

  • Static Stretching - stretch and HOLD for 15-20 seconds, no bouncing.

To help you get started, here are a few of my favorite stretches. You can do these on their own (meaning not paired with a workout), after a workout, or during your workout.

simple stretches.jpg

A few tips:

Take your time with these. Relax and hold the pose until you feel the muscles release.

Focus on your breathing: Inhale/exhale!

Stack your forearms when you do Ragdoll and gently way side to side. I really love this stretch!

Stretch it out this week and let me know how it makes you feel!

Your Friend,


The NEAT Way to Lose Weight


What are you thinking?