Tacos For You

Hey Friend! Once again, I am traveling while writing this to you, so please ignore the typos! 🤪 Because I’m writing this while riding, I won’t be long, but I just had to share this YUMMY tip with you!

Last night we had our usual taco night for dinner, which is pretty much a weekly menu staple in the Overstreet house. I cook 2lbs of ground beef with taco seasoning, warm up a can of refried beans, dice a tomato, shred half a head of lettuce and shred half a block of cheese. Of course this is all served with sour cream, salsa, non-fat greek yogurt, sometimes guac, usually tortilla chips, and occasionally cheese dip😉. The kids eat hard or soft shell tacos, TJ turns his into a giant burrito and I usually make mine into a taco salad. BUT…last night I switched mine up and it was OH SO GOOD! You must try it!

I made taco boats by slicing in half some of the mini tricolor peppers that I just happened to have in the fridge.


From Aldi, of course. ☺️

I piled these with the beans, ground beef, lettuce, tomato, salsa, a tiny sprinkle of cheese and a healthy dollop up non-fat Greek yogurt (sprinkled with salt and pepper to taste). I mapped my entire meal as 2P + 1F + 1C. If there had been leftovers (my crew was hungry last night) I would have definitely had this as a next day lunch. My 6yo daughter even ate a couple of the peppers and enjoyed them (grab these the next time you’re at the store)!

What are your favorite alternative ways to enjoy taco night?

Your Friend,

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