Back on Track

Hey Friend!

I’m hearing this phrase, “Now that the craziness of summer is over, I’ve got to get back on track.” all over the place. The reality is, we just move from one chaotic season to another. BUT, if we will maintain a few consistent steps, we can always be moving closer to our goal of achieving a healthy weight, or if you’re at your healthy weight, maintaining these steps can help you stay there. Add in Macro Mapping and 💥 you have a method for life!

So, to help you move in the direction of “Back on Track", which is really just the beginning of quality lifelong habits, I have created this tracker for you…and the friends I hope you’ll share it with. 💛

(Be sure to save this image and print it for daily use!)

(Be sure to save this image and print it for daily use!)

Each day you will move for 30 minutes. This could be structured exercise, going on a walk or playing outside with your kids. Each day you will drink water (plain, clear water). The goal is half your body weight in ounces. Example: 150Lb woman would have a goal to drink 75oz. Each day you will make it your mission to be in bed, sound asleep, no later than 11PM. Your body needs that natural reset and deep restorative sleep that happens when you are sound asleep before midnight.

Cheering you on this month and always!

Your Friend,

P.S. Let me tell you about my secret to getting enough protein every day. I use THIS protein SO many ways! This morning I put a scoop in my bowl of oatmeal, I mix it with peanut butter for a yummy sweet snack, I make hot cocoa with it and I even sneak it in the mix when making pancakes and/or waffles! Use the discount link below to save 10% off when you order and I’ll even share my recipes with you!


⛄️I like warm hugs…


Tacos For You