⛄️I like warm hugs…

Hey Friend!

My youngest turns 7 next week and she wants a “Frozen 2” birthday, so I have all things Elsa, Anna and Olaf running through my head these days!

We aren’t going to sing about warm hugs today, but we are going to talk about two simple things I find comforting and good for me (in addition to warm hugs). One is serious business, the second actually IS like a warm hug.

First up, serious business… Ten years ago we navigated a super stressful season of life while completing Oli’s adoption. In order to bring him home, we had to make two trips to his country of birth, Ukraine. The first trip lasted 2.5 weeks. Then we came home for a week to spend time with our oldest son who was 3.5 years old at the time. Our second trip was supposed to last less than 10 days but we ended up being stuck there for almost two weeks (and missing Easter at home😭. We had never traveled outside the US, we didn’t speak the language, we had to ride in the back of a cab for 45 minutes each way to visit Oli in his orphanage, we knew no one, and let’s not even get into what the court process was like…this girl needed some comfort and anti-stress help! In addition to lots of prayer and scripture reading, I had a daily ritual of drinking Oasis to physically combat the negative effects of stress on my body. To this day, when I open a packet I am momentarily transported to that studio apartment in Kiev. Oasis can be enjoyed warm (I like to sip on a warm mug of it after the kids go to bed) or you can drink it over ice (I sometimes mix it with Spark in the afternoon to give me energy and stress help). We all have stress and we all know what stress does to our bodies, so I encourage you to try this product for yourself to feel and see the benefits!

Now, the warm hug…Did you see the Body Lean 25 Protein that I shared at the bottom of my last email? This is a pantry staple in the Overstreet home. I’ve mixed a scoop of Body Lean with 1/3c prepared whole oats for a while (in addition to several other ways I use BL). But, this weekend I added a little something to make this oatmeal the YUMMIEST EVER! Here’s the breakdown:

1/3c. Whole oats prepared with 2/3c. water

1 Scoop Body Lean Protein (Vanilla preferably but chocolate is good too!)

1 dash of salt

Zero Calorie Sweetener (your choice)

Apple Pie Spice (or cinnamon) to taste

And the ingredient that took it to the next level…

1/4c. of the trail mix in the picture:

BL oatmeal.jpg

One Caveat:

You must measure the trail mix. Trail mixes are calorie dense and can cause you to exceed your macro count fast!

I count this power-packed breakfast as 1P + 3C + .5F

All this talk of warm drinks and a hearty bowl of oatmeal, I must be ready for fall. 🧡🍁

Your Friend,

P.S. Oasis is ON SALE this month! Use the link below and you’ll even save an extra 10%!


Sweet Treat With💪🏼


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