Sweet Treat With💪🏼

Hey Friend! I have a rule when it comes to my kid’s birthdays…I eat the cake & ice cream! I worked hard bringing them into our world (including Oli!) and so I believe that deserves cake. 😉 This week my BABY turned 7 and I’m still in a bit of shock. We will have her third and final birthday celebration tomorrow afternoon where I will eat a large slice of cake stirred in to a large scoop of ice cream (it’s like my homemade version of a DQ blizzard). But then, Monday will arrive and bring with it a season of focus. I find that fall is a great time to tighten up my macro choices and work a little harder in the gym (or at home!) in preparation for the holiday season to come. To help me satisfy my sweet tooth without wrecking my Macro Map, I am going to be whipping up these family favorite “Muscle Truffles” to keep in the fridge. Two make a great snack or one as an after dinner treat. Here’s the recipe:

3/4c Honey or Agave Nectar

1c Natural Peanut Butter (no sugar added)

1c Body Lean Protein (chocolate or vanilla)

4c Dry ingredient mix (I use 2-3 cups of rolled oats then finish with one of these: sliced almonds, pecans, mini chocolate chips, unsweetened coconut, etc.)

Mix all ingredients and roll into balls. Store in an airtight container in the fridge. ENJOY!

Let me know if you give these a go!

Your Friend,


COVID & Enchiladas


⛄️I like warm hugs…