COVID & Enchiladas

Hey Friend! I have had the craziest week! Long story short, I tested positive for Covid last Sunday and it took me by complete surprise. I had been fighting what I thought was just a cold (it wasn’t even the worst cold I’ve ever had!) but when I lost taste and smell, I realized I should get tested and sure enough, Covid. I never had a fever, I never felt fatigued, and by the time I lost taste and smell my only other symptom was a mildly stuffy nose. My taste and smell never went away completely, but I would say diminished by 90%. By Monday night it was fully restored. So crazy.

I’ve been obeying all the rules though, working from home all week and fighting the feeling of being trapped. 🤪 When I shared my “news” with my people, who I love so dearly, they started offering to bring us dinner. I was able to talk most of them out of it (I feel fine!), but two refused to take no for an answer. 🥰 Because of that, I have a recipe to share with you thanks to my precious friend Paige (Hi Paige!) who brought us this meal last night. It’s family friendly and fits nicely into any Macro Map. She sweetly shared the recipe with me and now I’m sharing it with you…because that’s what friends do, right?!

2021-09-15 20-00.png

As is this maps as 2c + 1p +1f.

She also brought a bag of corn and a salad which was a perfect pairing. I added 1c for the corn and .5f for the dressing on my salad.


The moral to my story is: even in frustrating times there is always a bright side, join a lifegroup or start a lifegroup at your church (everyone needs people💛), take a meal to your friends (even your stubborn ones who feel fine).

You can bet I’ll be paying this love forward!

Your Friend,


This will only take a minute!


Sweet Treat With💪🏼