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Hey Friend!

I received some really exciting news that I just have to share with you! AdvoCare released three new supplements (and they are gummies!!!😃👏🏻) this past weekend that my family cannot wait to start using and you need to know about them too! Real quick…the first is a multivitamin (for ages 4 and older). A quality (there is a reason I will never buy supplements from a bog box store) multivitamin is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Second is an elderberry gummy - eeekkk! If 2020 taught us anything, it taught us that immunity support is important. These elderberry gummies (for ages 4 and older) also have Vitamin C and Zinc (two more things we learned the importance of in 2020). Last, but not least because this is the one I have been waiting for, a collagen gummy (for ages 18 and older)!!!!! This 43 year old mama of 4 is fighting the look of aging with all I’ve got so you better believe I’m using these, especially because they are formulated with antioxidant vitamins C & E!

Check this out for all the nitty gritty details and to understand fully why these three products are HUGE…Really Big…Stupendous.

And because AdvoCare is such a generous company, they have even launched a prize giveaway for 20 people (one of my friends just won a pair of airpod pros yesterday from AdvoCare - these giveaways are legit!)!! Here is more about that:

As always, you can use the link below to save an additional 10% or become a preferred customer to save 20-30%!

Reply with questions. 💛

Your Friend,


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