
Hey Friend! So…sorry, I have been neglecting you. This time of year is always my most hectic. First it’s back to school, then it’s birthdays for two kids and a husband, then it’s my big fundraising event for HRA, then it’s my BIG fundraising event for Habitat. I know you’re probably saying “Same sister! 🙋🏼‍♀️” with your own stuff. Life is full and that is a blessing, but we cannot allow that fullness to be our obstacle to taking care of ourselves. Remember that you are setting the example to those you are around (whether that be children, friends, etc.). I’m not talking about fitting in to a certain size or looking like a model (even models don’t look like their pictures in real life!). I’m talking about doing the necessary things to be strong and have the energy to do all that you need/want to do in life. Being Real, Being Reasonable and Being the Example.

I want to challenge you to make one thing a non-negotiable during this hectic time (more than one if you have the capacity). It could be exercising 150 minutes a week (you can fit it in - exercising can be taking a family walk or doing squats in bursts throughout the day), drinking half your weight (in ounces) of water, mapping your macros, etc. You choose. Don’t let anything get in the way. Taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s an investment in your quality of life.

So, if you are “off track” the good news is you can get back on right now. Don’t wait until Monday, that’s a weak excuse to delay. Start this second. Like seriously, get up and drink a glass of water or go on a walk! 😜 Go!

Your (tells the truth in love) Friend,

P.S. I am doing another restart soon with my every 90 days cleanse. You can get your own HERE! The good news is it’s on sale right now and the GREAT news is you get a free food scale when you order! Don’t put it off!


Prayer Walking and Immunity Boosting


My Best Back to School Tips