My Best Back to School Tips

Hey Friend! As I type this, I’m sitting on my back porch watching 3 of my 4 swim while the #1 O kid is away for the night at Upper School Retreat (students in grades 7-12 at our school are considered Upper School). This is the weird season when it still feels like summer but the kids are back in school. Those of you who don’t start until Labor Day experience this when your kids are still in school in June, right?

Anyway, we don’t get everything right in our house, but I’m going to share with you a few of my favorite tips to make the “Back to School” transition a bit better. In no particular order…

  • Prep all the kids clothes for the entire week: I iron (my preference) each outfit the weekend before and stack them on a shelf in each kid’s room. All they do is take what’s on top and put it on each morning.

  • My kids pack their own lunch, every day AFTER school (or after arriving home from practices): this cuts down on the chaos of school mornings.

  • Kids do chores: each morning they have one chore to complete (unload/load the dishwasher, transfer laundry, match socks, etc.). They can work together to get it done quickly!

  • Age appropriate early bedtime and early wake time. A good night’s rest is essential for brain development and it also makes morning wake time easier. My kids wake up a full hour before we leave for school.

  • No TV or electronics in the morning. It’s an unnecessary distraction and burns up valuable time.

  • Fuel up! Breakfast is mandatory and so is taking your vitamins. It’s MNS Onmi for me and TJ, but the kids love their multivitamin gummies, a.k.a. “GoMes”. We all take our Elderberry GoMes because school = GERMS!

What are your best back to school tips?! I always love learning from friends!




I just couldn’t keep going.