She stopped me in my tracks.

Hey Friend!

Have you ever had a child say something to you that completely caught you off guard, but in the best way? That happened to me earlier this week with my 7 year old daughter. We call her our “Crafty Critter” because she loves to create art of all kinds. She will sit at our dining room table for hours cutting, drawing, taping (lots of taping!) and creating various types of masterpieces…our dining room table has pemanent paint and glitter decor to prove it. 🤪

A few days ago she was sitting next to me working on this “piece”:


She can make art out of anything, even fine Chinet. ☺️

When she finished it she showed it to me and asked me if I liked it. After I told her I did she said, “I am creative, I like that about myself.”, and it stopped me in my tracks. At what point between being a little girl and growing into a woman do we stop affirming things about ourselves? Instead, we point out our flaws or only see in positives in others. It’s a shame really. God gives each of us skills, abilities and giftings that are unique to only us yet we diminish these in ourselves.

So…I have a challenge for you. Reply to this email and tell me one thing you like about yourself. Or tell me three things! Then, take whatever you like about yourself and put it into practice this week. Share your talents and gifts - the world needs them. 💛

Your Friend,

P.S. - Speaking of my kids, they are loving their new vitamins and elderberry gummies! I never have to remind them to take them - they can’t wait to take them at breakfast! I can attest to how good they are - I have to keep reminding myself that they are supplements and not treats! 😂

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