Free Workout Friday

Hey Friend! It’s another bust day for me as I prep to host a dozen or so teens at my house tonight for my son’s “House” at school. I also made the mistake of going into his room after he “cleaned” it, so you can guess where I’ll be for the next couple of hours after I send this to you. 🤪

When I’m short on time, like today, I love to do compound movements for my workout. It works more muscles (which means more intra workout and post-workout energy expenditure a.k.a. burns more calories) in less time and with shorter rests between sets, you get that heart rate up too (a.k.a. cardio without the drudgery). Score. Here’s a great example workout for you to try out this method:

dumbbell compound.jpg

Make sure you warm up for 5-7 minutes before starting and stretch afterward to cool down. Enjoy this and please share my page ( with a friend so they can try this out too!

Your Friend,


She stopped me in my tracks.


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