Need some motivation?

Hey Friend!

I have something special offered at the bottom of this message, be sure to read the P.P.S.!

Have you started the April Arms (and Shoulders) Challenge? Those arms are going to be feeling the sun soon... it's not too late to start!

Today let's talk about Motivation. What is that one thing you keep thinking you'll do "when you get enough motivation"? Clean/Organize your home? Cooking dinner at home/packing your lunch for the next day? Exercise? Whatever it is, I'm going to share some truth-in-love secrets to making it happen. 😘

First, you just have to decide to do it. Change comes from action. Not perfect action, just action! Stop talking, start doing. Make a decision that even if you don't feel like it, even if the timing isn't just right, or even if the conditions aren't perfect, it doesn't matter, you're going for it! Decide when you're going to take that action. Schedule it and make it a priority. Tell yourself that you can stop for the day after you've dedicated at least 10 minutes to it. For example, say you have to clean out your closet. Tell yourself that you just have to do it for 10 minutes and then you have permission to stop. You'll be surprised by how "motivated" you'll become in that 10 minutes. πŸ˜‰ You just have to decide to start!

Second, you have to nail down why doing this matters to you and write it down. If you don't have a why (written out and clearly defined), the when will never come. Your why also can't be a number on the scale - it has to have true value. How will you feel when you start pursuing/working on "it"? How proud will you feel when you continue? How will it impact your life? Your kids' lives? If you want your children to thrive in life, you must show them how! Remember you are their #1 example of how to navigate life. Equip them for a great life by pursuing a great life for yourself. I'm not talking riches and vanity here. Model to them health & wellness spiritually (Jesus offers us the only true abundant life!), mentally (good stuff in, good stuff out), and physically (be strong and feel confident).

Third, chose one thing to start. Often times we get overwhelmed by the overarching goal. Maybe your whole house is a mess - just start with one corner of one room. Maybe you know that you need to drink more water/cut out sugary drinks, exercise more, eat better, etc. to reach your overall health goal - just start with replacing one sugary drink with water and build from there. Discipline is a habit. Like a muscle, it strengthens and grows over time as it's exercised. Use that discipline for one thing and soon you'll find yourself exercising discipline in more than one area of your life.

Finally, hold yourself accountable with encouragement, not negative talk. Celebrate what you did well that day rather than beating yourself up for what you didn't do. Most of us would never ever talk to out kids the way we talk to ourselves, so knock it off! 😬

I'm cheering you on and want to hear what you decide, why you're doing it, the one thing you're starting with, and how you're encouraging yourself!

Your friend,

P.S. Want a quick, easy and delicious breakfast that starts your Macro Map perfectly on track for the day? Whip up this combo!

1/2c Old Fashioned Oats
1 1/2 c Water
Dash of Salt
Scoop of Vanilla Body Lean 25 (click on the picture for details)
Season with Apple Pie Spice and the 0 calorie sweetener of your choice
Microwave for 1 minute & enjoy!
Macro Map: 1.5 Carb Choices + 1 Protein Choice

P.P.S. - If you (or a friend you share this with) use this link to order any product during the month of April, I'll send you some happy mail filled with a few samples of my favorite things!

P.P.S.S - Please help me help more women by forwarding this email to a few friends and encouraging them to subscribe! Thank you!πŸ’›


Salad & Snack Sabotage


Don’t you just love a good transformation?