Salad & Snack Sabotage

Hey Friend!

I have been eating a variety of chopped salad kits from Aldi for lunch (they're so good!) and they made me think of you. Why? Because they are super inexpensive and make packing lunch for work SO easy! But also because salads can be a huge help OR a secret saboteur when you're trying to lean out and I want you to know the difference!

Salads are tricky for two main reasons. First, the toppings and dressings can wreck your Macro Map FAST! Often times salads actually provide more calories that the average restaurant entree! Second, they typically don't provide enough protein to keep you feeling full (hence the nickname "rabbit food").

The good news is there are simple solutions to both of these problems and I'm going to show you how with my $2.99 Aldi chopped salad kit.

First, here is an example of what comes in these kits (This is the Southwestern version. I also bought the Kale and Asian versions but the advice is the same.)

Shredded Cheese, Tortilla Strips, & Dressing (in addition to the salad mix of course)

Shredded Cheese, Tortilla Strips, & Dressing
(in addition to the salad mix of course)

Now let's break down the nutrition label...


First, it says there are 3.5 servings per container. I would argue there is more like 2! The next thing to note is how much protein this mix provides, basically none. The salad mix itself is considered a "free" food in my macro mapping course. These are non-starchy veggies that do not count in your macro map (no one ever says "I gained 15lbs last year from eating too much lettuce & carrots!"). So that means the Carbs, Fats, (and negligible) Protein comes from the "extras".

Now for fix #1: we have to up the protein intake! The average woman needs approximately 4 Protein Choices per day to maintain her weight (that equates to roughly 80g of protein daily). To reach that daily goal, it's important to get a minimum of one protein choice in per meal (20g = 1 Choice). Here are two options..


One way is to use hard boiled eggs. Boil a dozen eggs, drain them and then store them (peel on) in an airtight container in the fridge. Three egg whites equal approximately one protein choice (the yolk is the fat of the egg). So I'll pop three in a baggie for my lunch, peel them when I'm ready to make my salad, and toss out two of the yolks (or feel free to save them for another purpose). One dozen eggs is $1.13.

The second way I add protein is with turkey pepperoni. This stuff is a staple in my fridge! One protein choice is the equivalent of 32 slices - that's a ton - talk about a simple way to fill up! A bag is $2.19.

As you can see, both of these protein sources are economical (you'll get multiple servings from the packages) and easy!

Now for fix #2: we need to avoid the unnecessary extra Carb & Fat choices from the toppings and dressings. Rather than drown your salad in dressing, just place dots of it across the top of your salad, and sprinkle a bit of the toppings like so...

Notice how much dressing is still in the packet!

Notice how much dressing is still in the packet!

The trick that makes the difference is this: put a top on the container and shake that salad like crazy. Seriously. It mixes all the toppings in and puts the perfect amount of dressing on every bite. This will save you a ton of calories and make your salad taste better than ever!

(Note: if you were getting a salad at a restaurant I would just have you order the toppings and dressing on the side, sprinkle only half the toppings on and then dip your fork in your dressing before picking up your bite of salad on your fork. Works like a charm.)

This is an example of restraint. Restraint, not restriction is how you achieve long lasting results!

This is an example of restraint. Restraint, not restriction is how you achieve long lasting results!

OK, let's stop there for now. My internet has gone out multiple times and I've lost half this content already - I'm tapping out! 🤪 Also excuse typos and grammar - no time for proofing this one! 😆

Snacks will have to wait until next week. But I will go ahead and tell you this, snacks are important and should be kept simple. More on that next Friday. In the meantime, if you have questions, reply and ask or find me on social media!

Your friend,

P.S. - I'm running a SUPER SPECIAL on my Macro Mapping Course and Accountability Coaching! Actually, I'm offering it for FREE when you purchase $75 worth of products from my AdvoCare site (!!!

P.P.S. - Please help me help more women by forwarding this email to a few friends and encouraging them to subscribe! Thank you!💛


Snacks, Restraint & Restriction


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