Good for Your Gut

Hey Friend! We’ve talked before about fiber and how it helps support a healthy gut. A healthy gut necessary for overall health and fitness! This is what I use to make sure I’m getting adequate fiber in my diet. But there are other things you can do to promote gut health. One I think is so fun and one thing is so easy. First up, fun!

During “Caronotine 2020” I jumped on the make your own sourdough starter bandwagon and I’m happy to share that my little starter is still going strong today! 😃 If you’ve never made a starter, it’s pretty easy (my first one did fail, but I recovered quickly😉). Just google “how to make a sourdough starter WITH yeast (it’s easier!) and take off. Or, if you’re local I’m always happy to share mine. I keep it in the fridge and feed it every week or two - seriously so easy.

Now, what does sourdough have to do with your gut? It’s said that because of the fermentation, it provides prebiotics, probiotics, and can also be easier to digest (sometimes I sneak some discard into my waffle, pancake, or muffin mix when making them for the kids). But also, I say it’s just nice to have some yummy fresh bread every so often! If you decide you want to give it a shot, here are my top three favorite recipes: Pizza Dough, Sandwich Bread, and Cinnamon rolls (the rolls have lots of butter and sugar which probably offsets the good gut stuff, but everyone loves these so I have to share them with you!). As always, tell me if you decide to give it a go!

Now for the easy…MNS Omni!

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Love your guts!


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