Discipline vs. Drive

Hey Friend! I made some changes this past week that reminded me of how necessary and good change can be. Of course it also made me think of you!

Let’s talk today about Discipline vs. Drive (or is it v. ?). You need both of these factors when trying to reach any health goal. Drive is that enthusiasm that gets you going and Discipline is the consistency that keeps you going. The trick is that you need boosts of Drive every so often to maintain the Discipline. They work together, like a cycle.

Let me give you an example to demonstrate this. I workout 5 days a week, 45 minutes each time. I do that whether I “feel” like it (Drive) or not. That is Discipline. Lately, the problem I started having was that my Drive (or desire) to do this was lacking. Before long, my results starting showing my lack of Drive. I wasn’t sleeping well, I wasn’t working as hard when I exercised - I just felt blah. I needed a boost. And guess what? I found it!

People ask me often “How do I get my drive back?”. You can recover your lacking Drive by implementing the right change. Here are a few things you can try to find what that “right change” is for you (when referring to health & fitness goals):

  • Redefine WHY you are doing this.

Maybe you already met the original goal you had for yourself. You need a new reason to keep going. Maybe your original goal seems to far away. Set your mind on something you can achieve sooner. If you don’t have a WHY that is meaningful to you (being a certain size is not meaningful!) the HOW will never happen.

  • Freshen up your look.

Sometimes something as simple as new workout clothes, stretching mat, water bottle, etc. can give you that little boost to get you going. So treat-yo-self!

  • Work Harder.

If your workout no longer feels like a challenge, it can lose it’s luster. Pick up some heavier weights, increase the tension or incline, walk farther, move faster. Find some way to push yourself more. Use the FIT principle - increase your Frequency, Intensity, or Time.

  • Mix it up.

Cooking dinner is like this. You make the same meals week in and week out to the point that you don’t even enjoy eating them. Just like we ask friends for new recipes, look for some new workouts. You can try a new class at your gym, browse through Pinterest or do a quick search on Instgram for some inspiration. You might even need to change where you workout. Or if you workout at home, update your space a bit. A pleasing environment makes a difference.

  • Change your product regimen. I workout at 5AM most days. Here is my product regimen (*Click on the name of each product for full details):

As soon as I wake up/get out of bed…

Spark (nothing is accomplished without this😂) mixed with a packet of Fiber , Arginine Extreme , and 11oz of water (plus two ice cubes - it’s a science!).

GoMes (this is like my pre-workout treat): Elderberry and Collagen

Catalyst (amino acids - muscle food 💪🏼)

Post Workout…

MNS Omni (my daily vitamins)

Meal Replacement Shake (this is about 30 minutes after my workout)

If you want to see all of the above in one click, here is a cart 🛒

Here’s what I did to get back my drive: I changed my workout space by reorganizing and adding some new features. But the biggest change was mixing up my workouts. Even though I am a Certified Personal Trainer and fully capable of designing challenging workouts, I needed some fresh ideas (like those new dinner recipes from a friend). I found exactly what I was looking for. I look forward to working out again and I’m working harder (sweating and conquering a challenge - that’s like my love language).

Now it’s your turn! Figure out which one of these right changes is what you’ve been needing and reply to let me know about it!

Your Friend,


I just couldn’t keep going.


Good for Your Gut