Core Strength: How & Why

Hey Friend! Happy Friday and Happy November!

Recently I’ve decided to focus on increasing my core strength. Not because I want six pack abs (I mean if they magically appeared I wouldn’t be upset - but also I know they don’t magically appear. They require A TON of commitment both in the gym and in the kitchen. I’ll pass, I like my life.) I’m focusing my effort here because I want to be as strong as possible and yes, I would like to shape up my stomach a bit. The most overlooked, but best, way to do this is to focus on deep core and pelvic floor exercise (the bonus benefit to moms is a non-leaky bladder😉). I could ramble on about the importance of this work, but instead, just watch this video to learn more and see a demo of the exercises I am using. I’m doing these either at the end of my morning workout or after the kids go to bed at night. Super simple!

Let me know if you have questions and/or want to focus on this yourself

Your Friend,

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Time is running out!