Time is running out!

Hey Friend!

Real quick. The Jumpstart I told you about last week is only ON SALE for the next two days! Eleven years ago this program set me on track to permanent results and I just can’t encourage you enough to give it a shot!

Let me be real with you. I’m 43. I have 4 kids. I have a crazy busy life (work, family, community, church…all the things) but I wear a smaller size today than I did on my honeymoon. Doing this program 11 years ago is what put me on track! This paired with macro mapping (I’ll teach you) and the type of exercise you enjoy (I can help with this too) is, in my opinion, the combination for success. I’ll be with you every step!

You can order by clicking on the image above or by using the discount code below. I’m cheering you on and here to help!

Your Friend,


Core Strength: How & Why


Help for the Holidays