No, I didn’t forget about you.

Hey Friend! Did you think I forgot to send you a message this week?! Sorry for the delay, but I was at the Lifeway Women’s Leadership Forum Thursday - Saturday. Then when I got home, we had family pictures, followed by birthday dinner for my mom. Of course, this morning was church so this is the first down moment I’ve had. And actually I am once again typing this to you in the car while TJ drives (We’re on the hunt for a particular item. I will tell you all about when we find it!).

This week I want to share a tip with you to help you shape a better backside. 🍑😉 Before you go for your next walk or before you jump on your favorite piece of cardio equipment, grab a band and do these glute activation exercises. Fatiguing those large muscles in advance will help you get more bang for your buck! I bought these bands from Amazon for a friend and really like them (I know, only a personal trainer would buy fitness products as a gift. 😂).

Finally, check out the AMAZING DEAL AdvoCare is offering right now for new Preferred Customers!

Huge savings here - as a PC you save 20-30% off your product purchases for a year! There are no auto-ships or forced ordering, you just save when you choose to buy. ❤️ This end tomorrow, so hurry to!!!

Your Friend,


Some things I couldn’t wait to share with you and one thing that took some obedience…


Core Strength: How & Why