Charleston & Collagen

Hey Friend! What an adventure these last 5 days have been! TJ & I had the honor of being chosen to be a part of AdvoCare’s Champions Council, a leadership group consisting of the top 60 distributors in the US. It’s truly an honor because we know it represents all the friends we are able to help with their health goals!

We’ve been a part of private Zoom meetings since January, but AdvoCare decided to bring us all together in person…in Charleston, SC! I’ve always wanted to go there, but have never had the opportunity. What a gift this was! We had a few obstacles in getting there (we missed our flight due to a tractor trailer wreck and chemical spill so we ended up driving there - including getting stopped behind another wreck) and a couple of hiccups while we were there (We got caught in a sudden & unexpected hail storm while on a carriage tour!) but overall it was an amazing trip! I shared it all on FB & IG if you are curious. We also got to know some incredible people and learned a lot. We are so thankful!

I really wanted to learn more about Collagen this weekend, and boy did I! To summarize it here is a great visual (take special note of the description of Type 1 and 2 at the bottom):

Not all collegen is created equal and one collagen doesn’t address all you may need! Here is a great article if you want to learn more.

To help you find the combo that’s right for you, I saved a cart here with each of the products listed above. Click on the underlined text for the hyperlink and you can adjust it for your needs - take out the ones that aren’t for you or increase the quantity of any of them. (Note: orders valued at $99+ get Free Shipping!)

I realized I need to expand my product regimen. For example, you can hear my knees coming before you can see my face, so I’m adding in Joint Promotion! 😂 TJ is going to be more diligent in taking Flex to help with workout recovery and mobility.

I’m really looking forward to this next season of life and sharing it with you!

Your Friend,


Adulthood is…


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