Adulthood is…

Hey Friend! I once again find myself in a whirlwind part of the year but also, this:

Most of you have been connected here through your purchase of AdvoCare products from me and my husband, TJ. Some of you have been invited by a friend. A few of you have known me for years. Since this is a mix of friends, I thought it might be helpful for me to {re}introduce myself!

Hi, I’m Casey, also known as “Mom”, “Case”, “Babe”, Kissie (funny story with that one), “Mrs. Overstreet” (that’s how I’m referred to as at work/school - I still twitch a little when it’s said 😜), and sometimes even “Hey You”.

I’m 44.

I am the proud mom to four pretty incredible kids (3 boys and a girl) who range in age from 14 to 7. Our son Oli, who is 12 today🎉, has Down Syndrome and was adopted internationally. He’s a gift and his life has transformed our family in the very best way.

I have been married for almost 23 years (high school sweethearts who married in college). He makes me crazy sometimes, but I really really like the guy.

I work full time as the Development Director at my kids’ classical Christian school and love it!

We have a 2 year old golden doodle named Emme (she will calm down and stop eating random things one day, right?!).

I am an ACE certified personal trainer, Weight Management Specialist and Fitness nutrition Specialist. In general, I have been a part of the women’s fitness industry for 17 years.

I have learned how to maintain a weight that I’m comfortable with, feel confident at and is healthy - WITHOUT following a meal plan, counting calories or eliminating carbohydrates. I’m passionate about women breaking free from roller coaster dieting and instead learning how to get long lasting real life results. I help with that.

I enjoy working out but believe 45 minutes 5 days per week is plenty (been there, done that with those 2 hour 6 day a week life sucking plans. Maybe this is also where I should mention I’m that friend that tells you what I’m thinking…). Feel free to check out my Pinterest Board for exercise inspiration

I share this weekly email because I want women to be encouraged that you can live a real life and get real results. I have a full plate of life but have learned how to not allow that from keeping me from my health & fitness goals. Now I want to pay that knowledge forward.

So what can you expect to arrive in your inbox each week? A little bit of everything. Sometimes it’s a workout, sometimes it’s a recipe, sometimes it’s a heartfelt message that I want you to hear, sometimes it’s a special or new product from AdvoCare (we’ve used these products for 12 years and believe in their quality wholeheartedly!).

If you have something you want to learn about or have questions about, feel free to reply to this email and ask - it may even be the topic of my next email!

I hope you will stick around, ask questions, and invite your friends to subscribe through my website

Your Friend,

P.S. - Are you one of our CURRENT AdvoCare customers but haven’t ordered in 6+ months?!? Reply “code please” to this email and I’ll send you a promo code for a FREE PRODUCT when you place your next order (expires 5/31/22)!

P.P.S. - Are you a FORMER customer of ours who is ready to get back on track? Good news, when you sign up as a preferred customer through our site not only will you save 20-30% off, but AdvoCare will also automatically send you some FREE goodies!


A few things I’m loving right now…


Charleston & Collagen