A few things I’m loving right now…

Hey Friend! It’s Friday! I am in mission mode today. Our pool was opened this week and I suddenly feel the urge to clean, organize, and rid my surroundings of clutter! With the pool being opened, I’m also holding myself more accountable to my food choices and activity level. As always, nothing drastic, just being honest with myself regarding what my macro map really looks like and how diligent I’m truly being with my workouts.

With all this cleaning up, I wanted to share with you a few random things I’m really loving right now. The first one is a bit weird, the second I use the term “loving” in a different way and the third is a treat.

First up, pulling weeds. Weird, but so satisfying. It’s like instant transformation, pulling out all the negativity and junk to let the good stuff shine. So much to apply to our own lives here, but I won’t give you a sermon. It’s also a great time to think and reflect. Then afterward you see your accomplishment - feels good. I have been doing this after dinner when it’s cool outside - it’s a great way to fit in just a bit more movement and activity at the end of the day too! Seriously, go try it. Your yard will thank you at minimum.

Second, I am partway through the book Unoffendable, by Brant Hansen. It’s written in a straightforward, to the point format that I like. I’m not loving the conviction it’s bringing to the forefront of my mind, but I am loving it at the same time. I know the sanctification and growth it’s producing in me and that’s what I want. The author is also a Christian radio DJ so the audio version is enjoyable. Let me know if you decide to read it with me!

Third, Berry Muscle Truffles. Chocolate Chip & PB Muscle Truffles made with BodyLean are a staple in our fridge but these Berry Muscle Truffles taste like Captain Crunch Crunchberries and that makes me happy. IMO sugary cereal is delicious but a total trap. There is no protein (unlike these truffles!) to keep you feeling full and one measly cup equates to 2 carb choices - and you know it’s hard to stop at just one cup! It’s definitely more like a dessert than “part of a nutritious breakfast”.

Try these the next time you crave a sugary bowl of cereal.


1/2c Honey (adjust up or down to taste and texture)

1c Almond Butter (adjust up or down to taste and texture)

1 1/2 - 2c Whole Oats

Mix and roll into balls. Store in fridge.

So, what are YOU loving right now?! Reply and fill me in!

Your Friend,

P.S. - Fibotrim is ON SALE! This is a pantry staple in our house. It’s a must have for pizza picnics, Mexican meals, etc. …a little protection from those treat meals!


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