Be Real: Mindset

Hey friend!

Can I be honest with you? You will never have long term results (with anything) until you know WHY you want that result and until you are WILLING to continually do what it takes to get and maintain those results - whether you feel like it or not.

It took me almost the first half of my adult life to realize this. I used to tell people that you can "borrow willpower from a friend" but I was wrong. Willpower (to change or to continue to change) comes by knowledge. You can't count on someone keeping you inspired or rely upon the knowledge of someone or something else. You have to learn the steps yourself and then implement those steps. You have to want to change. Permanently.

Let me give you an example in a context unrelated to weight management. I have been married for almost 22 years. For the first 17 years of our marriage I would tell people that I was a terrible cook, so TJ did all the cooking. Then five years ago when he went into full-time ministry (working longer hours than when he was in the corporate world), about the same time that our kids outgrew Gerber Graduate meals, something had to change. I had to change. The truth was, I wasn't actually a terrible cook, I just didn't know how because I had never taken the time to learn and had never practiced/worked hard to get a better result. I always relied on him or took the easy way out with packaged or easy meals. I had to discipline myself to do it (whether I wanted to or felt like it) and had to keep doing it even when I failed. Today, while TJ may still be the better cook (I still don't always enjoy cooking, but my people have to eat so I do it!) I can hold my own in the kitchen and my oldest no longer gets nervous when he sees me cooking! 😆

What I'm saying is this: if you keep depending on a meal plan or app or person telling you what to do and when to do it you will never create permanent change. You may see results while you are "on the plan" but then the roller coaster starts over again when it ends. The good news is, you can decide to change. Yes you will have to learn some things. Yes you will not get it right all the time. Yes, you will have to discipline yourself to do it even when you don't feel like it rather than rely on the temporary motivation of someone/something else. But once you settle in and decide to put forth the effort, you no longer have to jump from one thing to the next. You are no longer limited. You can hold your own with confidence and assurance.

Starting can sometimes be the hardest part, so let me share with you a few things I implemented when I decided I was done with diets and ready for permanent change (in no particular order).

1. I discovered why I wanted to change my habits and gave myself permission for it to take longer while I learned. I sought knowledge and understanding.
2. I set a reasonable expectation/goal. I didn't lower my standards, I just decided to be real (yeah, I said it).
3. I created a daily routine that I could stick with, including waking up earlier. Structure provides room for change. I wake up, drink my Spark (in the beginning I actually kept it, a shaker and cold water on my bedside table!) take my Catalyst and move to action. I may not feel up to a workout but I do it anyway. Even a workout spent "going through the motions" is better than none at all.
4. I minimized excuses by preparing myself for the next day. My favorite prep tips :

  • Sleeping in my workout clothes: They are comfy and I wake up ready to go (no this does not create marital angst, no worries 😉)

  • I make a little extra dinner to make sure I have lunch for the next day.

  • I keep a few workouts saved on my phone so I always have a go-to if I can't decide what to do that day.

  • I eat the same snacks all the time (no thinking, just grab and go)

  • I ALWAYS and I mean always have a bottle of water with me. Got to get in half my body weight in water!

So, take some time and think about not just what you want to accomplish, but be honest with yourself about what you are willing to do to make it happen. Are you wanting or willing?

Your Friend,

P.S. - Stay strong and finish out our January Jump Start Challenge! If you got off track, just pick up where you left off. I'm already thinking about what we will accomplish together in February!


Be Real: February Fitness Challenge


I didn’t know what was missing