April Fitness Challenge: πŸ’ͺ

Hey friend!

Spring is here!!! The world is turning green with pops of vibrant color and the temperature is starting to rise - thank you Lord! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

However, higher temps also bring changes to clothes...short sleeves, sleeveless and tank tops oh my! To help us get ready, I've designed an upper body challenge that focuses on arms and shoulders.

But first, a confession. Last week while we were on vacation I TOTALLY FORGOT TO DO MY LUNGES AND SQUATS!!! Like, the thought didn't even occur to me. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ I almost didn't tell you. Here's the thing though, when I realized it Monday morning (as I was starting my workout) I just jumped back in the challenge where I left off. I didn't throw in the towel, I didn't stress about somehow making it up, I just decided to move forward.

I think this principle applies to weight loss and fitness goals in general. So often, a woman gets a little off track and just decides to forget the whole thing. Noooooo! It's consistency over time, not perfection every moment, that brings long term results. So, let whatever it is go and just move forward.πŸ’›

Now the details for our April challenge. As always, modify as needed. Use a set of weights for the bicep curls that feels challenging to you but also allows you to complete each rep with proper form. Speaking of which, here are some videos to show you proper form for Pushups, Tricep Dips and Bicep Curls.

Please reply if you have any questions and start this any day you'd like. In the meantime, get outside and enjoy the start of this beautiful season!

Your Friend,

P.S. Send this to a friend right now so they can SUBSCRIBE and join you in the challenge!


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