My Top Be Real Travel Tips

Hey friend!

As I type this to you I'm sitting in a cabin enjoying the beauty of the Smokey Mountains, time with my family, and laughter with friends. We've had a week filled with fun and food...which made me think of you!

Vacation can be an emotional battle for women. I get it. You want to enjoy dinner out and ice cream with the kids, but then stress over how those choices will affect how your clothes fit. Or, you enjoy so many "extras" that you beat yourself up and give in. Am I right?

Let me share with you some good news. You can enjoy vacation treats without completely derailing. You don't have to snack on raw veggies, eat only salads and skip dessert either. Here are a few tips that, when followed, will help you to feel a little more in control while still enjoying some out of the norm treats.

1. Drink water. All day. Every day. When your body is hydrated, your appetite will be better controlled and it will help fight inflammation that can come with travel. Use a measured bottled to drink from so you know how much you're drinking. A general guideline is to drink half of your body weight in ounces (ex. if you weigh 150lbs, try to drink at least 75oz. daily).

2. Shake it up. I drink this shake for breakfast every day, but I also bring them on vacation. It's a quick breakfast when we are in a hurry (leaving me more time to get ready) or it keeps me satisfied if we're traveling with friends and I have to wait on others to get ready. 😉 It's also a great go-to when you enjoy a big breakfast and want something less for lunch.

3. Get moving! I try to be active each day of vacation. That might mean taking a walk on the beach, a hike, or (if I'm traveling with just our family), I might bring my TRX or kettlebell to fit in a short workout. You don't have to do anything elaborate, just do what you can.

4. Keep a small snack in your bag. I was reminded of this tip the hard way this week. Our first full day, we spent the morning snow tubing. I was so hungry by the time we finished, but it would be another hour before we got to our table at the restaurant. Needless to say, I was in full on hangry mode by the time we sat down and over-did it with our appetizer and meal.
The next day was Dollywood and once again our lunch was delayed (forever long lines due to concession closures). This time though I had this protein drink in my bag so when we had to settle for pretzels and popcorn for lunch, I could better balance my macro intake.

Just like in our regular routine, heavy restrictions with food only make things worse. I hope these four simple tips help you enjoy your next vacation even more. Keep in mind, we only get one chance to enjoy this life. If you are a mom, you also have little eyes watching, absorbing what you do, and thereby forming their own habits. Show them how to enjoy these special times without guilt and make some sweet memories with those you love.

Your Friend,



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