Your Prom Dress

Hey Friend!

It’s prom season. Have your social media feeds been flooded with prom pictures like mine? I know this makes me sound old (maybe because I am!) but WOW have things changed! From “Prom-posals” to extravagant dinners, prom has become quite the event. What was your prom like? Do you still have your dress tucked in a closet somewhere? I totally forgot I still had mine, until recently…

Our church does these super fun, themed date nights a couple of times a year. Our favorite one was a few years ago when we got to compete in our own “Amazing Race” by racing the other couples through town on a scavenger hunt. Some traffic laws might have been a little stretched that night, but we won and were rewarded with this amazing blue gnome 😂


Last week’s Date Night theme was a mystery themed dinner where our team had to solve “The Queen’s Jewels Mystery” (Sidenote: we named our team the “Gnome-it-alls”!). Solve it we did and had an absolute blast!

What on earth does this have to do with prom dresses? Well, that morning TJ informed me that most people were dressing up for the event that night. Just great. We hadn’t planned to dress in theme, but peer pressure is real, even in your 40s! When I asked one of the planners what we should wear she replied, “Dress like you’re going to prom.” I scrambled for a solid hour and then the light bulb went off. I rummaged through my memory tote in the basement and voila.

From 1995 to 2022…same date, same dress!

I hadn’t told TJ what I was wearing, so needless to say, he was surprised! As of last Sunday, we’ve been married 23 years and I have to admit, it felt good to hear him get a kick out of telling everyone I was wearing my 27 year old prom dress. ❤️

So why am I telling you this? Because the truth is that just a handful of years ago this dress would not have fit. I had to learn how to implement a real life food and fitness plan and stop chasing quick fix plans. I had to allow myself time to learn and practice what I was learning: Be Real. Be Reasonable. Be the Example. If I can do this, anyone can.

Maybe you never want your prom dress to see the light of day again, that’s fine! I just want you to be encouraged that if you will implement change and stay consistent over time, you can achieve real, sustainable results. No crazy fads needed! Maybe it’s not a prom dress you want to wear, maybe it’s more like a physical feat you want to tackle - the principals to get there are the same. Let me know if you want help. 💛

Your Friend,

P.S. - I sure couldn’t have gotten and stayed here without these: 🛒 My Everyday Support Plan


So much good stuff: Free Workout Friday, A Push-up Hack & Mom-Win Popsicles


Is this healthy?