Time for a Reset

Hey Friend! Today is day 5 of my 10 day reset. Every 90 Days I do this combo along with making sure I am eating 3 nutritious meals and two protein snacks each day. This helps me decrease inflammation, rid my gut of the gunk that’s inhibiting optimal nutrient absorption (think about grease that builds up in a pipe, slowing progress down), and overall just helps me feel better. TJ and I have been doing this every 90 days for the last 12 years because we know it works and it’s not an extreme approach (like juice fasts, or only veggies, only raw foods, etc.). To help me be successful I have a few prep steps to share with you, should you decide to try out your own 10 day reset (of course let me know if you do and I’ll send you a link to save 10% off!).

In no particular order…

  1. Boil eggs. These make a quick snacks or a base for a quick lunch (I love using them to make egg salad with non-fat Greek yogurt). My friend got me the neatest little timer that lets me know when they reach the state of hard, medium or soft boiled. I store in an airtight container in the fridge with the shells on (to decrease the smell).

See the timer?

As Paula Deen says, make sure you add plenty of salt to your water so the shells come off easily!

2. I date and label my products so I can easily recall what day I’m on and because TJ & I do this together, I want to keep track of whose is whose.

Peep that Pineapple Coconut Spark goodness in the background 😍

3. Make a meal that can be easily doubled for lunches. Egg roll in a bowl is a favorite of mine for this - so super easy!

I didn’t follow it exactly, but here is the recipe I used for guidance.

4. Make a pot of rice. This is used for egg roll in a bowl and leftovers for lunches/other dinners. I also discovered this week that it can be used to make quinoa (which I did) so now it will be used twice as much!

When TJ bought this a few years ago I thought it was a waste of money but oh was I wrong!

5. I made another batch of Strawberry MRS Truffles because I just can’t get enough of them! Perfect for a snack or just the right amount of sweetness as a sweet post-dinner treat. I also calculated the macro map for them. NOTE: You can use any flavor of our Meal Replacement Shakes to make these!

Strawberry MRS Truffles

2 packs strawberry MRS

2 scoops vanilla BodyLean

2 TBS flaxseed

3/4c honey

1c almond butter

Pinch of salt

Mix & roll into 32 balls

Maps as: 1/3 F, 1/4 P, 1 C - or 2 is the perfect 200 calorie snack

I’m ready to conquer the next 5 days and feel great doing it!

Your Friend,


Forgiveness, Parenting, and Saving Money


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