The top questions are on the board:

Hey friend!

Earlier this week I shared this picture (Let's be friends on IG & FB, use the buttons below!) of me wearing the jeans I had on the night my husband proposed, Valentine's Day 1998.


It definitely stirred up questions and some were pretty comical. Yes, I own ONE PAIR of jeans that are 24 years old. I was 19 when we got engaged and had no clue TJ was going to propose that night. I was wearing jeans, thinking we were heading to McDonalds for dinner. Instead of Mickey D's, he pulled in to the parking lot of one of the nicest restaurants in town. I was so mad he took me there in jeans! When he proposed, I blacked out for a minute, then replied "thank you" instead of yes. Here we are married with four kids 23 years later. (We actually ate at that restaurant for Valentines this year, but I wore skinny jeans and rocked my side part.πŸ˜‚) I kept the jeans as a reminder of one of the sweetest surprises of my life (the kids now rank high on that sweet surprise list, so I keep them around too).

Now, let's talk about other questions...

1. What is Macro Mapping? This is the name I came up with for the way I track (and teach my clients to track) my macro nutrient intake each day. Each day you may take a different route, but the goal is to just get to your desired destination (macro intake goal).
2. How often do you eat? I eat three meals and two snacks each day. "What do you eat for snacks?" is another common question, so I shared some snack ideas below. ☺️
3. What do your workouts look like? I wake up early, drink my orange Spark and workout at home most days of the week. I usually warm up on my rower and follow that with 35 minutes of strength training.
4. How many days a week do you workout? 5, usually.
5. What is in your home gym? Well, I have more than you need to start because I've added pieces over time. But my top three suggestions would be a rower, a barbell set, and a bench or step.
6. How do I know what my macro intake should be? My next coaching group opens up next week. contact me for details. πŸ˜‰

That's enough for now, but I would love to know what questions you have that I can help you with...reply to this email or message me.

Your Friend,


Consistency is Key


Work/Life Balance