Consistency is Key

Hey friend!

I can't believe I am already sending you a new monthly challenge! Did you finish our February Challenge? If so - WAY TO GO!!!! If not, shake it off sis and jump in on this one.

The theme for this month's challenge is "consistency". The only way to get long term results, the only way to develop a new habit/skill is to be consistent in doing it. Once whatever it is (exercise, macro mapping, bible study, prayer, spending time with a friend...anything!) become a consistent part of your schedule, it will become natural and like second nature to do. Think about it, how many times have you driven home without even thinking about the turns and stops you had to take to get there!? Consistency!

I want to help you create a place marker for daily movement in your life, so I've designed a Lunge & Squat Challenge for you to complete each weekday for four weeks. You do the same two exercises and the same amount of reps each time. Super simple!

A few tips:
Do your best to do it at roughly the same time each day.
Set a reminder on your phone.
Invite a friend to join you.
Feel free to increase/decrease reps as needed.
Make it more challenging by holding weights in your hands.
Watch THIS VIDEO for proper walking lunge form.
Watch THIS VIDEO for proper squat form.
Save & Print the challenge so you can check it off each day (feels so good to mark off an accomplishment!)

Reply to this email if you have any questions, I'm here to help! Stay consistent, stay focused and stay safe with this challenge!


I’m a little behind, I know


The top questions are on the board: