Oh Heeeyyyy

Hey Friend! So…last Thursday we had a “snow event” where I live. In the south, six inches of snow (that fell in a matter of hours!) means the world shuts down. Our family spent three days playing in the snow, watching movies, sipping hot cocoa and eating snow cream…but what I didn’t do is send you an email. Sorry about that!

What I want to share with you this week are some simple truths about weight loss. Right now, we are all being inundated with plans that promote weight loss as quick and easy. It’s not. Stop buying the pitch that there is a shortcut. Instead, if you allow yourself time and incorporate some consistent habits, you won’t have to look for another shortcut ever again. Now don’t misunderstand, yes, I kick off my new year with a Jumpstart but that’s one of my consistent habits. Every 90 days I do the first phase and my everyday life is the second phase - no dieting, no cutting out carbs, no carb cycling, no fasting, etc.

Here are some other consistent habits to start practicing to help you achieve permanent results:

  1. Drink your H2O. Half your body weight in ounces of plain, clear water.

  2. Move. Incorporate 150 minutes of moderate activity into your schedule each week.

  3. Sleep. Do your best to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night and always fall asleep before midnight.

Take things one step at a time and remember your “why”. You can do this! It’s not a race and it’s not a contest. It’s your life, well lived. 💛

Your Friend,

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A Workout & A Recipe


Kicking Off 2022!