My Bikini Pic & The Birth of Be Real

Hey Friend!

Today I’m going to treat myself for a couple hours this afternoon. While my four kiddos are enjoying day camp at our church, I’m going to sun bathe by our pool in my bikini (while studying my Certified Nutrition Coach curriculum, because just laying out in the sun is super boring😝).

While I was pulling out the particular bikini I plan to wear, my mind started drifting to our 20th anniversary trip to Hawaii in January 2019. One morning we all went to a beach in Oahu (it was a couples trip) and I was wearing this bikini. My friend took a picture of me and TJ standing in the ocean to celebrate me for the physical results I had achieved over the last several months leading up to the trip. It was thoughtful of her and I still have the picture on my phone as a reminder of a great trip. ☺️

When we had booked the trip a few months earlier, I decided that rather than go on (another) diet, I was going to use my knowledge from my years in the women’s health and fitness industry to implement my own plan which included Macro Mapping and doing only the workouts I enjoyed (45 minutes, 5 days a week). A simple system that would be my new lifestyle. One that allowed brownies with lots of chocolate chips. One that created “Before and Always Results”, not a flash in the pan “Before and After”. Real results. The day we left for Hawaii, I was at my goal weight.

After my friend took that picture in the water, we sun bathed on the beach and chatted. I can remember telling my friends that I felt like I needed to share what I had done to achieve my own results (while living a real life and doing my best to set a positive example for my kids) with other women like me. Women who weren’t chasing six pack abs, but wanted to feel confident in whatever they had on. Later that year, Be Real became reality.

Today, 2.5 years later, I’m still at that goal weight. Macro Mapping is no longer a plan for me to follow, but something that’s become second nature to me. I still only workout 45 minutes 5 days a week and only do workouts that I want to do. I don’t have six pack abs, but I feel confident in my clothes and I know I can maintain these results.

After taking time off this summer to enjoy my kiddos and navigate some blessed chaos, I’ve decided to open up 4 coaching spots for women who are done with dieting and ready to learn. These can be filled by individuals, or friends who decide to each complete the program while cheering one another on. Here are the program highlights:

Be Real Program-1.png

Reply to this email with questions or to say “Save a spot for me!”

Are you ready?

Your Friend,

P.S. No, I didn’t forget to share my bikini picture. Here it is.

my bikini.jpg

The truth is, it shouldn’t matter to anyone else what my body looks like in this bikini. The images we see on social media are not fully real. Stop comparing yourself to others and run your own race well, being real, being reasonable, and being the example.💛

rasp hib.jpg

Summer is in full bloom and so is Spark® Raspberry Hibiscus! It’s back for a limited time in stick packs (US only) and canisters. Grab yours before it’s gone!



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