Back to School Giveaway!

Hey Friend! School starts here in less than 2 weeks! I’m trying to stay in denial, but my to-do list won’t let me. 😆 I have been buying school supplies, ordering uniforms (my 13 year old suddenly outgrew ALL of his!), packing backpacks, etc. to get my crew ready. Life is about to get even busier. 🤪

Because you’re my friend, I want to give you a chance to WIN 2 of my favorite products ($75 Total Value!!!) that help me navigate our busy life. You can probably guess the first one…Spark! Spark is my go-to wake up drink and my mid-afternoon pick me up. Vitamins, minerals and mental focus…basically it makes me a happier, healthier mom. 😬

The other product to win is Ready to Drink Protein. This little gem keeps me from making bad choices. It provides one full Protein Choice (Macro Mapping) and tastes like dessert. I drink these when I want a sweet treat (it’s really good with a squirt of reddi-whip on top!), when I wake up hungry in the middle of night or as the “milk” in cereal. 😋


One Box & One Bag!

Choose your favorite flavor of each when you win!

Here’s how you enter to win:

  1. Forward this email to 5 friends then reply “Shared with 5!” to earn one entry. (Forward to 10 earn 2 entries, etc.)

  2. Make a purchase of any amount from my AdvoCare site using this link to earn one entry for every $10 you spend.

  3. Earn 5 entries when you share on social media and tag me in the post.

SO easy! My goal is to reach as many women as possible to free them from the restrictive diet culture and show them how you can live a real life and get real results. Thank you for helping me spread the word! Hope you win these favorites!

Your Friend,


Adult Beverages


My Bikini Pic & The Birth of Be Real