May Challenge: Planks Plus!

Hey Friend!

I'm typing this to you from the passenger seat of my suburban while my husband drives us to a little weekend getaway. (That also means I keep grabbing at my laptop to keep it from flying off my lap due to his aggressive driving. 🤪 Please excuse the typos!)

Speaking of our little getaway, maybe we'll have a chat about marriage one day and how it's not at all how social media and movies make it look. Until we have time for that let me just say this: don't wait for your husband to make the effort and surely do not assume he knows what you are thinking. If almost 22 years of marriage has taught me anything, it's this: a good marriage takes a ton of work. It's also taught me that the hard work is worth it. One more piece of unsolicited advice: read the book "Love and Respect" by Emerson Eggerichs and put it into practice. Game Changer.

Now for our May Challenge! This month's challenge is two fold! First, we will be completing ONE (just 1) plank TO FAILURE each day. That means, you hold your plank safely and in proper form for as long as you can. On the tracker I've created for us you can record your type and the type of plank you performed (knees down, knees up, side plank, etc.). Our goal will be to gradually increase our time and/or move up to the next progression of plank, as we strengthen our core, over the course of the month. Now, before you begin, please watch THIS VIDEO to be sure that you are using proper form. Also remember to modify as needed!

The second part of the challenge is to drink THIS COLLAGEN. I have incorporated this into my morning snack or mixed with Spark as a part of my afternoon snack.


Why collagen? It supports skin firmness and elasticity and can improve help appearance of skin by reducing wrinkles and dryness. It may also help increase muscle mass, prevent bone loss, and relieve joint pain. Yes please!

So there you have it, our May Challenge starts tomorrow. Invite a friend to join in and have fun!

Your friend,


May is Cray. Here’s what to do…


Snacks, Restraint & Restriction