Find a Fitness Friend

Hey Friend! Happy February! Do you agree that January is the longest month of the year?! We were crazy busy but it still felt like forever! February on the other hand is one of my favorite months because it holds Valentine’s Day (the holiday you either love or hate - obviously I’m a fan of it) and my birthday (45 this year - still can’t wrap my mind around that number).

We kicked off the month today with a random “snow day”. It’s really more of a “boost teacher moral day” because there is not one single flake on the ground nor is the temperature below freezing. But, I will be glad because it gives me time to write to you (time I have less and less of these days)!

I want to share a little bit about the importance of friendships in relationship to fitness. I personally believe you can never have too many friends in general. However, I am very careful about which of those friends I let speak into my life. The right kind of friend can help you succeed and the wrong kind of friend can help you fail. Just like we tell our kids, your friends matter. But in relationship to fitness, here are my tips:

  1. Find a fitness friend with similar goals. You’ll be able to spur one another on at a matched level, verses one of you pulling the other back or pushing the other too hard. It’s okay for friends to have different goals - just don’t expect the same level of commitment if your goals are different.

  2. Find a fitness friend who enjoys the same type of exercise. If your friend likes yoga and you like power lifting, you’re not going to enjoy working out together. 😂

  3. Find a fitness friend who will tell you the truth…in love. Your friend should have your best interests in mind, nothing less. Friends should be the ones who encourage and build one another up, not let you settle for anything less than your best.

If you don’t have this person, don’t be discouraged. Maybe you just need to be this person for yourself for a while! Maybe you need to be this person for someone else. 💛

I don’t have a friend I am working out with right now, but I have found a free You Tube channel that I am really enjoying. I stumbled on Tracy Steen via an IG reel. I started trying her workouts several months ago and have really enjoyed them. I like how much muscle definition I’ve gained and like the variety of workout she offers. They are suited for women, especially women in their 30’s and beyond. She shares wellness tips at the end that I usually agree with, but I will say that her philosophical and religious beliefs do not align with mine.

I can’t be there to workout with you every day or share an encouraging word with you in person, but know that I am cheering you on no matter if your goal is to walk a mile without stopping or if it’s to leg press twice your body weight! You can accomplish anything with the right mindset and the right amount of hard work.

Your Friend,


Fluffy and at the Beach