Be Real. Be Reasonable. Be the Example.

Hey friend!

Happy New Year! I love to take on new challenges. I also love how good it feels to mark something off my daily to-do list (Do you ever write something you just did on your list just so you can immediately mark it off?🙋🏼‍♀️). This month's fitness challenge is going to not only give us a sense of accomplishment, but it's also going to help create some good looking legs and burn some calories through Jump Squats! You can do this as a part of or in addition to your fitness plan (Remember 150 minutes of activity a week is the minimum goal.

Be sure to listen to your body and rest/break up the reps as needed in addition to stretching afterward. You can even break them up during the day if you prefer. Don't forget to invite a friend to do this with you - everything is more fun with a friend!

Watch this brief tutorial (recorded in my tiny at-home workout space) for form help and a few tips to help you be successful.

Your Friend,

P.S. - Join me in adding a JUMPSTART to this Jump Squat Challenge to feel great and de-fluff from the holidays!


Hear my heart when I say this


One thing real quick